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Pick Up and Drop Off

Dear Meadow Homes families,

We have been receiving your feedback and discussing ways to continue to improve our procedures for arrival and dismissal from school. Our morning arrival has become more smooth, having the back gate open for families who wish to use this gate, and our carpool drop off zones are helping cars move through more quickly and safely. Dismissal is running much more quickly, with only carpool students coming to the front of the school. There is still some delay when children have gone to the playground to meet parents on foot, but parents are looking for their children at the front or in carpool.

Please remember to park in designated spaces only! This helps keep traffic moving and pedestrians safe in the parking lots and streets surrounding our school. Please remember to stay calm and patient. Everyone driving near our campus during these times are our community members and may also just be trying to collect children from school like you!

Beginning Monday, 10/2/23, we would like families walking to pick up their children to come all the way in to meet their children outside of their classroom. The front and rear gates will be open 3 minutes before dismissal. Please wait outside your child's  classroom for the teacher to open the door and release your child. Do not open the door to collect your child. Children who are not picked up from the classroom within 10 minutes after dismissal (2:50pm or 1:35pm on Wednesdays) will be brought to the main office. Students will continue to meet teachers on the blacktop in the morning. On rainy days they will line up outside of the classrooms. 

We hope this change continues to enhance the safety of our dismissal as well as the opportunity for teachers and parents to connect. Please remember that teachers are often scheduled for meetings after school, so it is always best to make an appointment if you need to discuss your child's progress.

Pickup/dropoff update
new pick up and drop off

We look forward to a faster and more safe process for the arrival and dismissal of our children at Meadow Homes!

Leah Dubinsky


Meadow Homes Elementary School

925-685-8760 ext. 85000