Structured English Immersion (SEI)
The Meadow Homes community is a wealth of diversity, in the racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds and in the languages spoken in our children's homes. We value these assets in the community and support students who are learning English with integrated English Language Development instruction throughout their day, and a daily designated English Language Development block. Integrated ELD involves the use of strategies that make English more comprehensible to all students. Designated ELD is where all students are provided leveled instruction that matches their English proficiency and literacy needs.
The table and graph below outline the language composition of our community, as well as the breakdown of our students' English Proficiency, as demonstrated on the English Language Proficiency Assessment of California (ELPAC).
FEP= Fluent English proficient (students who speak another language at home and tested fluent the first time they took ELPAC)
LEP= Students who are considered English Learners, not yet proficient score on the ELPAC
RFEP= Redesignated students (previously considered English Learners, with demonstrated proficiency through score on the ELPAC as well as classroom prefoormance)
EO= Family indicated only English spoken in the home